Minutes for determining the tare weight of trucks



Works of …………

Company: ............

Contract date ............ rep. No. ............ registered at ............ on ............

Contractual amount of the works euro ......... net of the auction reduction of .......%

Minutes for determining the tare weight of trucks

On the day ............ of the month ............ of the year two thousand ............, the undersigned ............ construction manager, has agreed at the premises of the balance weight of ............ where, in the presence of the Mr. …………, legal representative of the undertaking that took on the work in the name and in contradiction, proceeded to weigh the trucks of that company in order to determine the tare weight of each means of transport.

These means of transport have been marked with a progressive order number from n ° 1 to n ° ..............., by means of black paint and are overall in number of ............,

The tare weight, found on the balance, was found to be the following for each vehicle:

- truck n ° 1 Type ………… plate ………… tare ………… kg

- truck n ° 2 Type ………… plate ………… tare ………… kg

- truck n ° …… Type ………… plate ………… tare ………… kg

- trailer n ° …… Type ………… plate ………… tare ………… kg

Each resulting weight will be painted on the respective medium using red paint.

Of which this report is drawn up which, after reading and confirmation, is signed by the attendees.

The contractor

The construction manager

Visa: The person in charge of the procedure