Indicative data for Italian countries

Program indicating indicative country data, height, latitude, wind, climate zone, degree days

This program created by Itieffe is a precious information resource that provides detailed information on the geographical and climatic characteristics of the various Italian countries. This document was created to offer a complete overview of the different Italian regions, highlighting their specific climatic, geographical and meteorological conditions.

In this premise, we would like to highlight the importance of understanding geographical and climatic differences within Italy, as this information is fundamental for a number of sectors, including agriculture, construction, tourism and environmental management . Knowledge of these variables is essential to adapt projects and decisions based on the specific needs of the different Italian regions.

The main features and topics addressed in this paper include:

  1. Height: information on the altitude of the various Italian countries is provided, helping to understand the differences in altitude and the related impacts on the climate and the environment.
  2. Latitude: the latitude of each region is discussed, which has a direct influence on the seasons and average temperatures.
  3. Wind: The main characteristics of regional winds are indicated, including coastal winds, trade winds and mountain winds, which have a significant role in the local climatology.
  4. Climate zone: Italian climatic zones are identified, such as coastal regions, mountainous regions and inland areas, with a description of their climatic peculiarities.
  5. Degree days: data on degree days are provided, which are important for calculating energy, heating and cooling needs in different regions.

The main objective of this paper is to provide a clear and complete resource for those who wish to have access to the geographical and climatic characteristics of the different Italian regions. This information can be used in a range of contexts, from urban design to natural resource management, contributing to a better understanding and management of Italy's landscape and climate.

Italian countries: height, latitude, wind, climatic zone, degree days and Italian climatic zones

TO THE - Data from Italian countries

M - Z - Data from Italian countries

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Indicative data for Italian countries

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Indicative data for Italian countries A_L

Indicative data for Italian countries M_Z


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