Typical refrigerant gas applications

Typical refrigerant gas applications

Typical refrigerant gas applications with indication of the type of fluid, R number, which product it replaces, composition and manufacturer.

This program was designed by Itieffe to offer in detail the important role that refrigerant gases play in different applications, from industry to daily life. Refrigerant gases are essential for maintaining controlled temperatures, enabling the preservation of food, the creation of comfortable environments and the efficient operation of many industrial activities.

The objective of this program is to offer you a complete view of the practical applications of refrigerant gases according to the type of use, addressing the following aspects:

  1. R number: is the acronym that uniquely defines the type of gas.
  2. Fluid type: concerning the differentiation classes (CFC – HCFC – HFC – HFO) based on the gas composition (see also: General indications of refrigerant gas).
  3. Product Replaced: Indicates with which other product the refrigerant was replaced.
  4. Refrigerant composition: the various mixtures and components that are an integral part in the composition of the refrigerant are reported.
  5. Manufacturer: for each type of gas, the names of the manufacturers are reported.
  6. Typical applications: All the various fields of use for which the refrigerants have been created are reported here: climatization, medium and low temperature (commercial and industrial refrigeration), component in the mixtures of refrigerant fluids, industrial refrigeration, etc.

Whether you are an industry professional, a student or simply curious, this program will give you an in-depth overview of the different uses of coolant in various specialties

Typical refrigerant gas applications

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Typical refrigerant gas applications

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