Other units of measurement

Other units of measurement

Non-conventional units of measurement are units of measurement that fall outside standard measurement systems, such as the International System (SI), but are occasionally used in specific contexts or in particular situations. These units can be developed to simplify measurement in a given context or to express quantities more intuitively for particular purposes. However, it is important to note that unconventional units of measurement can cause confusion or ambiguity and are often limited to very specific contexts.

Other measures


  • 1 Roman foot = cm 29,56
  • 1 Roman mile = 8 stages = 1478 m
  • 1 brim = 6 feet = m 1,9490
  • 1 line = mm 2,11
  • 1 inch (in.) Or inch ingl. = 1/12 foot = 2,53999779 cm (2,54 cm, roll)
  • 1 foot (ft.) English, Russian and USA foot = cm 30,48
  • 1 yard (yd.) = 3 feet = 91,4399 cm
  • 1 fathom = 2 yards = 1,8288 m
  • 1 furlong = m 201,11
  • 1 pole, rod, why cm 5,0292
  • 1 Russian verse = 500 sagene = 1066,78 m
  • 1 statute mile = m 1609,344
  • 1 international nautical mile = m 1852
  • 1 English marine mile = m 1853,18
  • 1 US marine mile = m 1853,248
  • 1 geographical mile = m 1855,4
  • 1 league = m 4445
  • 1 marine league = 3 nautical miles = 5555,55 m
  • 1 micron or micrometer (μ) = 1/1000 of mm
  • 1 Angstrom (Å) = 1 / 10.000 of a micron
  • 1 astronomical unit (UA) = 149,6 million km
  • 1 light-year = 9463 billion km
  • 1 parsecs = 3,263 light-years = 206 264,8 AU = 3,0857 × 1013 km


  • 1 inch square (sq. In.) = 6,4516 cm
  • 1 square foot (sq. Ft.) = 0,09290304 mXNUMX
  • 1 square yard = 0,83612736 mXNUMX
  • 1 pole, rod, because square = 25,2921 mXNUMX
  • 1 acre (a.) = 4046,856 sq.m = 0,4046856 ha
  • 1 square mile (sq.mi.) = sq km 2,589988
  • 1 square mile Italian or geographic = sq km 3,4289
  • 1 German square mile = sq km 55,0564
  • 1 square verse = sq km 1,13802
  • 1 hectare (ha) = 10 000 mXNUMX


  • 1 cubic inch = 16,38706 cm
  • 1 cubic foot = dmc 28,316847
  • 1 cubic yard = 0,76455486 cubic meters
  • 1 register ton (tonne) = 2,83168 mc
  • 1 twenty feet-equivalent unit (TEU) (container) = 20 feet x 8 ft x 8 ft
  • = 605,8 cm x 243,8 cm x 243,8 cm


  • 1 pint (pt.) (UK) = 4 gills = l 0,5680
  • 1 pint (pt.) (USA) = 4 gills = l 0,4731
  • English imperial quart (qt.) = 2 pints = l 1,136523
  • 1 imperial gallon (gal.) English = l 4,546092
  • 1 gallon (USA) = l 3,785412
  • 1 gallon "dry" = l 4,54371
  • 1 American "dry" gallon = l 4,40488
  • 1 imperial bushel (bu.) = 4 pecks (pk.) = L 36,368735
  • 1 bushel (US) = l 35,239067
  • 1 barrel (oil) = 42 US gallons = 158,990 l
  • 1 chaldron = 12 sacks = 13,080 hl
  • 1 imperial proof gallon = 2,59 of pure alcohol at 10,6 ° C
  • 1 proof gallon (US) = 1,893 of pure alcohol at 15,6 ° C


 TROY (for precious and pharmaceutical products)

  • 1 mild (m.) = g 0,0032
  • 1 grain (gr) = 20 m. = 0,0648 g
  • 1 pennyweight (dwt) = 24 g = g 1,5551
  • 1 ounce / ounce (oz. T) = 20 dwt. = g 31,10348
  • 1 pound / pound (lb.t) = 12 oz. = g 373,248
  • 1 metric carat = 200 mg

AVOIR-DU-POIS (for common goods and commodities)

  • 1 grain (gr.) = g 0,0648
  • 1 dram (dr.) = g 1,7718
  • 1 ounce / ounce (oz.) = g 28,349523
  • 1 pound / pound (lb.) = 16 oz. = g 453,59237
  • 1 hundredweight (cwt.) = kg of 50,802345
  • 1 short ton (sh. Ton) = kg of 907,1847
  • 1 long ton (l. Ton) = kg of 1016,0469
  • 1 metric ton (tm.) = 1000 kg = 10 q

Legal units of measurement

EU countries have adopted common legislation since 1 January 2000 on units of measure: in technical and legal documents and documents they are units of weight the kilogram or the ton (abolished the quintal), of length the kilometer or meter (abolished the mile), thermal energy the joule (abolished calorie, TEP, BTU), power the watt (abolished the horsepower), pressure the bar (abolished the atmosphere), time of the day (abolished year and month) etc.

Roman numeration

It is used to indicate ordinal numbers and uses 7 literal digits (I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500, M = 1000) which are always used with the same value within the number. In this "additive" system a number, e.g. XIV, is obtained by adding the symbols on their right a lower value symbol or no symbol (X and V) and subtracting those which are followed by a symbol of higher value (I): the result is 10 + 5-1 = 14.

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Clothing sizes


Shoe sizes

395 1/263634 1/2
406 1/273745 1/2
4177 1/23856 1/2
4288 1/2395 1/27
438 1/29406 1/28
449 1/210417 1/29

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