Excel – Email generator

Excel – Email generator – If you want to send emails quickly and personalized with pre-established screens, this program is for you – Simple application that makes it easy to send personalized emails – Completely free and editable as desired

Welcome to the “Excel – Email Generator” program

This tool created by Itieffe was developed to simplify and speed up the email generation process using Microsoft Excel. If you are looking for an effective way to create and personalize email messages in an automated way, you are in the right place.

With this email generator you can fully exploit the potential of Excel to create personalized emails, whether for professional, commercial or personal purposes. Whether sending business communications, greetings or personalized messages, this program will help you save time and keep your inbox organized.

In the guide that follows, you'll discover how to use this tool effectively, from creating a recipient list to personalizing messages. We're here to streamline your workflow and improve your productivity, allowing you to focus on reporting and the content of your emails.

Are you ready to save time and automate the process of creating your emails? Follow the instructions and start making the most of this program created by Itieffe. Good work.

Excel – Email generator

If you want to send quick and personalized emails with pre-established screens, this program is for you.


The first thing to do is to have a list of addresses to which you can send the prepared emails.

If you need to create one, try using the program contained in Itieffe:

"Data entry database" it's great).

This table created for the example is completely editable in the attached Excel sheet.


I send email

Complete view of the "send email" sheet

In this sheet (sending email), we go directly to the sending program.

The beating heart of this section is the transmission form.

from here, using the arrows, it is possible to modify the list number coming from the addresses (it can also be entered manually).

By entering a number here (in this case 2), the email and name values ​​are modified accordingly on the initial screen.

In the initial part, however, a screen is created that can be useful for sending emails, it would be enough to select it and send it as it is or modify it as desired by restoring the connections.

Do not modify the connections with the “Addresses” sheet (written in blue and black). This screen is still necessary regardless of whether you want to send it or not, to create the email to be sent.

From this screen it is possible to enter the subject of the email, the text of the email and the Cc and Bcc addresses (written in red).

The "Data section" should never be touched and contains the references of the email to be sent.


Let's take an example using the data already entered.

1 – starting from the addresses, we want to send an email to no. 2 – Daniele Bertazzi

2 – we go to the email sending sheet and insert 2 using the arrows in the Form (or manually)

3 – the home screen adapts to the new address

4 – enter the Subject and the text of the email, in this case: “Service communication” and “We have sent you invoice no. 123 of 20/10/2023"

5 – if applicable, enter the addresses in Cc and Bcc

6 – click on “Click here to generate the email”

The email to be sent is ready with all the addresses filled in (To – Cc – Bcc) and with the subject inserted.

Now you can write the text you want

or copy and paste the home screen (just the one inside the frame).

All you need to do is set the program you usually use for email and you're done

Have fun

Excel – Email generator

The program below is an example only.

From the reserved area it is possible to download the Microsoft Excel version of the file from which to copy all the formulas.

To access the reserved version (see below), full page and without advertising, you must be registered.

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