Football classification series AB

Football classification series AB

Ranking and results

Having a program that immediately gives you the Serie A and B football rankings simply by opening the file is not bad - the program is completed with the results of the last day of both series.

This program designed and created by Itieffe represents a notable step forward in the automation and instant access to information on the rankings of football teams in the Serie A and Serie B championships in Italy. This innovative tool was developed to significantly simplify the user experience, allowing you to obtain updated ranking information without having to take any action.

Here are some of the main features of this program:

  1. Complete automation: the program is able to independently search for the most recent information on the rankings of Serie A and Serie B teams.
  2. Automatic insertion: Once the necessary data is found, the program enters it directly into the system, eliminating the need for the user to do it manually.
  3. Instant results: With just a few moments, the program returns the results, allowing the user to access the updated rankings without any effort.
  4. Effortless access: The user does not have to take any action except starting the program. This means that you can get the information you want without any manual intervention.
  5. Data precision: The program is designed to find accurate and reliable data, providing updated rankings in real time.
  6. Intuitive use: The program's interface is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, allowing anyone to access the desired information without difficulty.

In essence, this program offers a seamless user experience, providing up-to-date data on the rankings of football teams in Serie A and Serie B in Italy. With full automation and instant access to results, football fans can stay constantly informed effortlessly, enjoying an unprecedented rankings research experience.

Football classification series AB

Sometimes having a program that immediately gives you the ranking of the football teams simply by opening the file is not bad - the program is completed with the results of the last day of both series.

If connected to an internet network, it finds the values ​​sought, enters them in the system and provides the result without the user having to do anything at all.

Very easy to use, just open the file, authorize the connection when prompted and check the final result.

Grant all permissions required by Excel to use the program (enable content etc).

If necessary, it can be updated manually: >Data >Refresh all

Very simple program that does not require instructions

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Football classification series AB

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