Roman numeral conversion

Roman numeral conversion

Simple program to convert Roman numerals into Arabic and vice versa

“Roman numerals” are a numerical system used in ancient Rome to represent quantities and numbers. This system uses a combination of letters from the Latin alphabet as symbols to represent numerical values. Roman numerals are widely known for their particular structure and representation.

The distinguishing feature of Roman numerals is that the symbols are written in a specific order and can be combined to represent different quantities. When a lower-value symbol is written before a higher-value symbol, its value is subtracted; conversely, when a lower-value symbol follows a higher-value symbol, its value is added.

How Roman numerals are used

Roman numerals are still used in some contexts, such as indicating centuries (e.g., 20th century for XNUMXth century) or to number chapters and sections in books or formal documents. However, the Arabic numeral system has become the predominant system of expressing quantities around the world.

Welcome to this program created by Itieffe. Throughout history, Roman numerals have played a significant role in expressing quantities, dates and concepts in unique and emblematic ways. Whether you are fascinated by ancient history or are faced with the need to interpret and convert Roman numerals in modern contexts or vice versa, this program is here to help you decipher these ancient symbols into familiar Arabic numerals.

From analyzing past rulers to indicating the hours on a clock, we will learn together how to translate Roman numerals into an understandable form and vice versa. Regardless of your experience or the goal of your conversions, this program will provide you with the tools you need to easily navigate through this history-rich numerical language. Get ready to immerse yourself in the world of conversions between ancient Roman symbols and modern numbers with ease and clarity.

Roman numeral conversion

Simple program to convert Roman numerals into Arabic and vice versa


Choose between “Arabic Number” and “Roman Number”, insert value and look at the result

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Roman numeral conversion

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