
This section will cover: Refrigerant gases – Refrigerant gas regulation – List of fluorinated gases Refrigerant temperature pressure ratio – Compressor electrical parts diagrams


Refrigeration is a key element in our daily lives and in the industrial, commercial and scientific sectors. From food preservation to maintaining comfort in hot climates, from manufacturing processes to medical applications, refrigeration technology has a wide reach and significant impact on our society. These programs were created by Itieffe to offer comprehensive guidance within this vital field.

Refrigeration is not just a question of comfort, but also of safety and sustainability. Learning how it works and how to be efficient in its use is essential to reducing waste, energy costs and environmental impact. These dedicated programs will take you through a learning journey packed with essential information.

Before exploring the detailed program index, we want to share with you the mission of this learning path:

  • Provide a solid understanding of basic principles of refrigeration, including thermodynamic concepts and cooling cycles.
  • Explore the different applications of refrigeration, from domestic refrigerators to advanced industrial processes.
  • Deepen the search for energy efficient and sustainable solutions.
  • Promote safe operations and regulatory compliance.
  • Stimulate curiosity and awareness about its importance in modern life.

With this goal in mind, let's take a look at this index which, as we highlight, covers a wide range of topics to enable you to gain comprehensive knowledge.

Itieffe is pleased to accompany you on this learning journey through the world of refrigeration. Get ready to explore the challenges and opportunities this technology offers and contribute to more efficient, safe and sustainable management of energy resources.

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