Hydraulic test report



Works of …………

Company: ............

Contract date ............ rep. No. ............ registered at ............ on ............

Contractual amount of the works euro ......... net of the auction reduction of .......%

Hydraulic test report

On the day ............ of the month ............ of the year two thousand ............, the undersigned ............ construction manager, has agreed to ............, where in the presence of Mr. ............, legal representative of the company that took over the aforementioned works, in contradiction, proceeded to the hydraulic test of the following pipeline:

Section of pipeline ............

Pipeline in pipes of ............

Internal diameter of the pipes: ………… mm

Thickness of the pipes: ………… mm

Extension of the pipeline: ………… m

Working pressure: ………… atm

Test pressure: ………… atm

Start of the test at ............ of the day ............

Duration of the test ………… hours …….

Test result ............

Repeated tests: ............

End of the test at ............ of the day ............

After having ascertained the favorable outcome of the test, having found no leaks, having not encountered significant pressure drops, the undersigned construction manager


the aforementioned section of pipeline and orders the company to bury it.

Of which this report is drawn up which, after reading and confirmation, is signed by the attendees.

The contractor

The construction manager

Visa: The person in charge of the procedure