Certificate of completion of the works



Works of …………

Company: ............

Contract date ............ rep. No. ............ registered at ............ on ............

Contractual amount of the works euro ......... net of the auction reduction of .......%

Act of submission date ……… no. Rep. ……… registered in ……… on ………

Contractual amount of the works euro ......... net of the auction reduction of .......%

Certificate of completion of the works

(Art. 199 of Presidential Decree 207/2010)

On the day ............ of the month of ............ of the year two thousand ............, the undersigned ............ construction manager,

Given the report of delivery of the works on ............ which set the delivery deadline on ............;

Given the report of the suspension of the works on ............;

Given the report of the resumption of work on ............ which set the new deadline on ............;

Given the art. 199 of Presidential Decree 207/2010,

GIVEN the note prot. n ° ............ on ............ by which the company communicated the completion of the works,

subject to notice sent to the contractor with note prot. n ° ............ on ............, it was agreed in ............, where in the presence of Mr. ............, legal representative of the contracting company and in cross-examination, he proceeded to a careful inspection, noting ... ……….

Following the findings


that the work in the epigraph was completed on the day ............ and, therefore, in good time.

Of which this report has been drawn up which, after reading and confirming, is signed as follows.

The contractor

The construction manager

Visa: The person in charge of the procedure